Wednesday, February 20, 2013


So to all the people who have never heard of this marketing company here is your chance to get the scoop. So Bzzagent is a site where the company sends out products from beauty to food so you can try out. At first i was very skeptical of the site as you have to fill out many quick surveys so they can match you to the right "product". Even though it took months before they finally decided to invite me to a campaign so i can try out products it was worth the wait. So far within the last couple of months I have tried and tested candy, home fragrances, shampoo, conditioner, hair treatment, hair oil, and razors. After each campaign I have to do a list of things online so that I could be invited to more campaigns. For instance, I wrote a review online, a couple of surveys about the product, etc.  Overall, I think this is a great way to test products for free. If you are interested follow the link below: